About REEthink
Diane Saber, Ph.D., President, is the founder of REEthink, Inc, a high talent research and consulting company devoted to renewable energy and environmental issues specific to the natural gas industry. REEthink was founded in July, 2010 and specializes in trace constituent analysis in natural gas, biogas, RNG and other natural gas products.
Dr. Saber was previously a Managing Director at the Gas Technology Institute (Des Plaines, IL, USA) responsible for a multi-million portfolio of projects and research specific to the natural gas industry in the areas of renewable natural gas, environmental science and forensic chemistry.
Dr. Saber is a nationally recognized expert in the area of production and characterization of RNG, having conducted the largest collaborative research projects in this area to date. In 2008, the industry-funded (22 natural gas companies world-wide) report, Pipeline Quality Biomethane: North American Guidance Document for Dairy Waste Conversion was produced; this served as a template for the further study funded by DOT/PHMSA, Pipeline Quality Biogas: Guidance Document for Dairy Waste, Wastewater Treatment Sludge and Landfill Conversion (2009). Dr. Saber also served as contributor and sole non-utility author of the Canadian Gas Association’s Report, Biomethane Guidelines for the Introduction of Biomethane into Existing Natural Gas Distribution & Transmission Systems (2011).
These reports serve as seminal works in the development of pipeline quality biomethane in North America, with particular insights into trace constituents in biogas/RNG and natural gas, including biologicals.
She was also responsible for the creation and management of a wide variety of projects associated with RNG, including company-specific RNG quality specifications, verification and monitoring programs, database construction and trace constituent analysis. Dr. Saber and REEthink possess extensive knowledge of the natural gas industry. She has worked with the natural gas industry for over 20 years, with over 15 years devoted to RNG to the pipeline.
Additional REEthink staff and partners include known leaders in their fields, including individuals and companies with expertise in laboratory services, risk modeling, biochemistry, engineering and data analysis.
“To serve as the most insightful, informed and innovative source for answers to solving today and tomorrow’s energy and environmental needs, with a focus on renewable energy products.”
“To provide our customers with the highest quality work, using the most appropriate and experienced staff to solve their needs, with unparalleled service and attention to detail at a cost which is unburdened by excessive overhead rates or fees.”